Happy New Year!  Wishing all our friends a very prosperous Year of the Snake.  🙂

3rd February is Billy’s 88th birthday.  We wish him good health and good spirit as always!

Until recently, Billy has still been harassed by those negative religious energies.  However, he never gives up writing.  Perhaps we all can learn from his new book real soon.

There is a famous proverb “Belief Is Where Thinking Ends”—this is why Billy’s teachings lay stress on the importance of independent thinking.

We are in an era overloaded with information, where true and false messages are hopelessly intertwined. Billy urges us not to believe anything easily but to practice independent thinking and research so as not to be misled.

While wishing Billy good health and longevity, let us keep on perfecting our independent thinking skills.  It is a way to become a true human being, and a nice birthday present to Billy.  🙂

3rd February 2024 is Billy’s 87th birthday, we wish him good health and happy life!

Going through countless hardship and hard times, Billy insisted on writing books, he utilized all this time in the hope of passing on all his knowledge, wisdom and teachings to all humanity.

Billy persisted over 40 years, he has the whole humanity among his chest, but lives a simple life within an isolated area, forsakes fame and fortune, endures hardship and life threatening dangers with the aim of offering information and truth to the whole mankind. Who else can do the same?

We are lucky and should be grateful to have a Prophet among our life time, we are the first to learn from his teaching and benefit from it.

Happy birthday Billy Meier and many happy returns!

Dear Friends,

A very prosperous and successful Year of the Tiger 😊

February 3 is Billy’s 85th birthday, let’s wish him healthy, happy and longevity

As we may aware, since a long time ago, Billy was seriously troubled by some mysterious forces from religious believers, he was even badly hurt, yet he recovered by his own will of steel.

Here comes the good news, the little ones from Andromeda came and exercised their gift once again, they solved part of the problem and Billy was a bit at ease.

Billy was then able to address all his friends around the world:

For the whole year 2022 – and of course beyond that and for all time – shall now love, peace and a lot of happiness, grace, favour and success, and also protection, health and sprightliness, joy of life, freshness of life, goodness and goodwill accompany you and be present.

With loving regards


3rd February is Billy’s 84th birthday, together with all the friends in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and mainland China, we express our heartfelt thanks to him for his hard work and accomplishment for the well being of all human on earth, and we wish him healthy, high spirit as usual and every success in his mission.

On receiving the blessings from all over the world, here is Billy’s response:

“Dear and esteemed FIGU members, friends and acquaintances, I would like to address these lines to all – unfortunately a little late, due to overflowing work – and wish you for the new year 2021 with a few words in this way for your well-being in terms of health, work, family and in all things of existence.

We wish you the very best and also to assure you that we at the Center will always keep you in our thoughts, hoping that you will all be healthy, well and spared from what is rampant around the world during the Corona epidemic.

What unfortunately results in evil in all countries and brings suffering and grief to countless families and people, try to prevent it in yourselves, in your family, in your circle of friends and acquaintances, by all of you keeping to the necessary safety precautions of wearing masks, keeping your distance and disinfection and all other necessities. I wish for all of you – as well as for all people in our world – to be spared from all evils, but it is necessary and inevitable for every single person to join all safety precautions and protective measures against the very aggressive and dangerous Corona virus and its mutations. In this sense I greet you all and also thank you for all your letters with your dear and good wishes for my 84th birthday. Considering all your good and kind words and wishes, I feel very honored and taken care of, for which I express my special heartfelt thanks to all of you, while also hoping that all of us, without exception, will get through everything well and we will soon be able to enjoy life together again in the old way”.


Billy for Kids

An exciting good news, the “Billy for Kids” website is now running on a brand new platform.

According to Francisco the webmaster:

There is a choice of 11 languages, and it works on almost any type of computer systems.

The whole program is upgraded with some improvements, like the Beamship simulator, that you can use to travel through the solar system and beyond, land on a few planets, jump to the hyperspace and visit Erra and other Planets Billy visited before. We are inviting you to be a child again, and play with it.

Here is a challenge. Do it yourself or ask a kid to do it. Select the Solar System Option, get on board a Beamship, travel and answer these questions:

– What planet has a big black spot in the South Pole if you see it with UV Filter?
– What have Billy asked to Ptaah to do on Mars?
– Can you land on Uranus?
– What filter you must use to see a distant volcano on Venus?
– Which planet has several dry trees? Why?
– Which planet has an exotic house?
– On which planets you can hear the singing of the birds?
– Where and how you can hear and see two dinosaurs?
– Can you land on Mercury?
– How big you see the Sun from the surface of Pluto?
– Were you able to cross the Dimensional gate to go to Erra?
– Why do you think the colour of the Beamship windows changes on each planet

Welcome to join the interactive adventures and getting a sense of know how on deep space traveling, not only kids and youngsters will be interested, in fact, all are welcome to take this wonderful journey.


Latest Announcement/Update on Peace Meditation
(Revision Date: 5 April 2024)

Hi, everyone!

According to FIGU’s announcement on 15 November 2020, Quetzal’s latest invention offers great convenience to official FIGU members who would like to practise group peace meditation in promoting and achieving world peace. The major messages are:

  1. For all official FIGU groups and members, group peace meditation can be scheduled to a convenient time of their own choice, e.g. before or after monthly meetings, and performed with or without peace meditation pyramid.
  2. With Quetzal’s latest invention, while group peace meditation is performed outside the scheduled time frame, the impulses of all participants will be stored and then transmitted during the scheduled time, hence the synchronization effect is maintained.
  3. Therefore, other than the group peace meditation mentioned above, all other people who would like to perform peace meditation and achieve the enhanced synchronization effect should stick to FIGU’s official schedule and peace meditation pyramids should to be used.


  1. Peace meditation performed without peace meditation pyramid can also release positive impulses, which is beneficial to personal cultivation and world peace.
  2. To be clear, Quetzal’s latest invention only relaxes the traditional time frame requirement for official FIGU group members in performing group peace meditation. Apart from this, it has no other functions.
  3. From now on, official FIGU group members can choose a convenient date and time that suits all group members to perform group peace meditation. With the help of Quetzal’s new invention, group peace meditations are effective with or without peace meditation pyramids.
  4. In order to achieve the synchronization effect, FIGU CG49 and the 3.5 billion participants of the Plejaren Federation will continue with the scheduled peace meditation as usual.

Please consider joining the effort in achieving world peace through peace meditation whether you have a peace meditation pyramid or not.

sa and Bonnie

Information Source:


Peace Meditation Countdown

Saturday, APR 5
5:30 PM
8 days, 0 hours, 16 minutes and 9 seconds
Saturday, APR 5
7:00 PM
8 days, 1 hours, 46 minutes and 9 seconds
Sunday, APR 6
7:00 PM
9 days, 1 hours, 46 minutes and 9 seconds

Prediction & Prophecy

Why Billy Meier?

Introduction to the Billy Meier Contact Case